Connecting to your website content via FTP will be quick and easy. You’ll be able to upload and download files & folders with just a few mouse clicks. Apart from managing the entire content, you can also grant other persons access to a given section of your web hosting account without granting them access to the Control Panel where they can view personal e-mails or other sensitive details they’re not supposed to. This can be done by creating a separate FTP account that they can make use of to connect only to one folder in the web hosting account. Such an option is especially useful if you use several web designers or if you rely on a web design application like FrontPage or Dreamweaver to administer multiple websites at the same time, as you can create a separate FTP account for each site or each person. In such a case, it’s important to be able to administer your FTP accounts with no effort.

FTP Manager in Cloud Website Hosting

All our cloud website hosting plans include a multi-function, yet easy-to-use FTP Manager, which will enable you to administer all the FTP accounts that you have without any effort. The FTP Manager is included in our innovative Hepsia hosting Control Panel and aside from creating and deleting FTP accounts, you can update the password associated with any active account with just 2 clicks. You can modify the level of access for any specific account just as easily – you will just have to click on the access path associated with the account and then to select the new folder. What’s more, you can download an auto-config file for several FTP clients and set up any of the FTP accounts on your personal computer simply by installing that file. For simpler and better management, you can sort the accounts in alphabetical order on the basis of their usernames or their access paths.

FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you open a semi-dedicated server account with our company, you will be able to use a number of options that are available in the FTP Manager section of our advanced Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can create a brand new FTP account and select what directory it will have access to with only a few clicks via a user-friendly GUI. A list of all the accounts that you have set up will be available in the exact same section too and, for convenience’s sake, you can sort them by access path or username in ascending or descending order, so you’ll be able to effortlessly locate the FTP account that you need. Changing the path for an active account is as simple as clicking on it and choosing the new path, whereas removing an account or updating its password requires one click as well. With the FTP Manager, you can also make use of config files for commonly used desktop FTP programs such as FileZilla and CyberDuck.