Whois Privacy Protection, occasionally also referred to as Privacy or Whois Privacy Protection, is a service that hides the genuine contact information of domain registrants on WHOIS websites. Without this service, the personal name, street address and email account of any domain registrant will be freely accessible. Supplying false information during the registration procedure or altering the authentic details afterwards will just not work, as doing such a thing may result in the domain registrant losing his/her domain ownership rights. The policies approved by ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, demand that the WHOIS info must be valid and accurate all the time. The Whois Privacy Protection service was introduced by domain registrars as an answer to the arising concerns about possible identity fraud. If the service is active, the registrar’s contact info will appear instead of the domain registrant’s upon a WHOIS check. Most domain names support the Whois Privacy Protection service, even though there are some country-code ones that do not.

Whois Privacy Protection in Cloud Website Hosting

You can quickly enable Whois Privacy Protection for any domain that you have registered through our company if you’ve got a cloud website hosting account with us. This can be done through the same Hepsia Control Panel, via which you manage the web hosting account, so you won’t need to switch between different platforms. In the exact same section where all your registered domain names will be listed, there will be an “Whois Privacy Protection” icon for each and every domain whose extension supports this service. The status of this icon will quickly let you know if the Whois Privacy Protection service is activated for a specific domain or not and by clicking that icon you can enable the service if you have not done so during the signup process. In addition, you’ll also be able to renew or to deactivate the Whois Privacy Protection service for any domain name using the very same icon and the change will take effect instantly.

Whois Privacy Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company and you register a domain name under it, you can add our Whois Privacy Protection service easily. This requires only a few clicks of the mouse in the Hepsia Control Panel’s Registered Domains section, via which you administer everything related to your semi-dedicated web hosting account. This is the place where you can see all your domain names and for each one of them you will find an “Whois Privacy Protection” icon, using which you can activate, renew or deactivate the service. Of course, this will be possible only with gTLD and ccTLD extensions that are Whois Privacy Protection-eligible and you will be able to see this beforehand, so that you will not end up paying for a service that we cannot provide.